In this article, we will look at how to work with the <select> element to create dropdown list in Vue.

We will begin by creating a new application using Vue CLI.

❯ vue create dropdown-select-demo

Once, the installation is complete, we can navigate to the folder and run the server to load the application.

❯ cd dropdown-select-demo
❯ npm run serve

This will run our server on port 8080 by default http://localhost:8080/


We can make use of the v-model directive to create a two-way binding for the <select> tag in Vue.

<select name="fruit" id="fruit" v-model="fruit">
  <option value="strawberry">Strawberry</option>
  <option value="apple">Apple</option>
  <option value="grapes">Grapes</option>
  <option value="orange">Orange</option>

We can define a data property fruit and assign it a default value.

data() {
  return {
    fruit: "orange",

Let’s see it in action by adding the above code in the App.vue file of our project.

// App.vue

  <label for="fruit">Select a Fruit:</label>
  <select name="fruit" id="fruit" v-model="fruit">
    <option value="strawberry">strawberry</option>
    <option value="apple">apple</option>
    <option value="grapes">grapes</option>
    <option value="orange">orange</option>
  <p>Selected: {{ fruit }}</p>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      fruit: "orange",



Disabled value

We can also specify the above dropdown to have a default disabled value like below:

<select name="fruit" id="fruit" v-model="fruit">
  <option value="" disabled>
    Please select one option:
  <option value="strawberry">strawberry</option>
  <option value="apple">apple</option>
  <option value="grapes">grapes</option>
  <option value="orange">orange</option>

In this case, we need to change the default value of the fruit property to empty string.

data() {
  return {
    fruit: "",

The entire App.vue file:

// App.vue

  <label for="fruit">Select a Fruit:</label>
  <select name="fruit" id="fruit" v-model="fruit">
    <option value="" disabled>Please select one option:</option>
    <option value="strawberry">strawberry</option>
    <option value="apple">apple</option>
    <option value="grapes">grapes</option>
    <option value="orange">orange</option>
  <p>Selected: {{ fruit }}</p>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      fruit: "",


In the above example, we have hardcoded the values and text of the <select> element. We can specify them as an object and store it in a data property.

data() {
  return {
    fruit: "",
    options: [
        text: "Strawberry",
        value: "strawberry",
        text: "Apple",
        value: "apple",
        text: "Grapes",
        value: "grapes",
        text: "Orange",
        value: "orange",

Using v-for we can loop through the options data.

  <label for="fruit">Select a Fruit:</label>
  <select name="fruit" id="fruit" v-model="fruit">
    <option value="" disabled>Please select one option:</option>
    <option v-for="option in options" :value="option.value" :key="option.value">
      {{ option.text }}
  <p>Selected: {{ fruit }}</p>


Multiple select

Now, we will see how to create an option of selecting multiple elements from the dropdown list.

<select name="fruit" id="fruit" v-model="fruit" multiple>
  <option v-for="option in options" :value="option.value" :key="option.value">
    {{ option.text }}

Here, we are using the multiple attribute to make the above drop down an multiple select option.


v-on:change or @change

If you want to avoid making use of v-model directive, Vue comes with a v-on:change or @change directive.

<select @change="dropdownMethod">
  <option v-for="option in options" :value="option.value" :key="option.value">
    {{ option.text }}

Here, we make use of the @change directive to call a method dropdownMethod. Next, we will define the method:

dropdownMethod(e) {
  this.fruit =;

The entire App.vue file:

  <select @change="dropdownMethod">
    <option v-for="option in options" :value="option.value" :key="option.value">
      {{ option.text }}
  <p>Selected: {{ fruit }}</p>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      fruit: "strawberry",
      options: [
          text: "Strawberry",
          value: "strawberry",
          text: "Apple",
          value: "apple",
          text: "Grapes",
          value: "grapes",
          text: "Orange",
          value: "orange",
  methods: {
    dropdownMethod(e) {
      this.fruit =;


That’s it! 😃