In this article, we will look at how to implement dynamic routes in Vue application using the vue-router package.

We will begin by creating a new application using Vue CLI.

❯ vue create dynamic-routes-demo

Once, the installation is complete, we can navigate to the folder and run the server to load the application.

❯ cd dynamic-routes-demo
❯ npm run serve

This will run our server on port 8080 by default http://localhost:8080/

Next, we will install the vue-router package required for routing. We can install it using CDN, npm or yarn.


npm install vue-router@4


yarn add vue-router@4

Once the package is installed, we can integrate it with our Vue application.

In this application, we will have a “products” page that will list all the products. Let’s create the component for the same.

// Terminal
❯ touch src/components/ProductList.vue

Let’s add some code to the ProductList.vue file.

<!-- ProductList.vue -->

This component can now be imported into the main.js file.

// main.js

import { createApp } from "vue";
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router";
import App from "./App.vue";

import ProductList from "./components/ProductList";

const app = createApp(App);


const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),
  routes: [
      path: "/products",
      component: ProductList,


To display the component content, we need to add <router-view> component to the App.vue.

We will also declare the products in the provide() option so that they will be available for the other components.

<!-- App.vue -->

  <router-link to="/products">Products</router-link>

export default {
  name: "App",
  provide() {
    return {
      products: [
          id: 1,
          name: "Apple Macbook Pro",
          price: "$3000",
          id: 2,
          name: "Apple iPhone 12",
          price: "$3000",
          id: 3,
          name: "Apple iPhone 13",
          price: "$1000",
          id: 4,
          name: "Apple iPhone 14",
          price: "$2000",

Let’s populate the products in the ProductList.vue

<!-- ProductList.vue -->

    <div v-for="product in products" :key="">
      <router-link :to="'/products/' +">
        {{ }}

export default {
  name: "ProductList",
  inject: ["products"],

Notice, we are passing id in the <router-link> using single quotes.

<router-link :to="'/products/' +">

The URL will change with the value of, for example


All the above paths are valid. Hence, we need a way to define the dynamic route. Let’s make changes in the main.js file to add this dynamic route.

  path: "/products/:id",
  component: TheProduct,

Here, the path property contains :id which indicates a dynamic route since the value of id is not fixed. You can name it anything you want but ensure that: is prefixed.

The entire main.js file will now contain the following code:

// main.js

import { createApp } from "vue";
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router";
import App from "./App.vue";

import ProductList from "./components/ProductList";
import TheProduct from "./components/TheProduct";

const app = createApp(App);

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),
  routes: [
      path: "/products",
      component: ProductList,
      path: "/products/:id",
      component: TheProduct,


We have also declared a new component TheProduct for the dynamic route. Let’s create the component file and add the code.

<!-- TheProduct.vue -->

  <h1>{{ }}</h1>
  <h2>{{ product.price }}</h2>

export default {
  name: "TheProduct",
  inject: ["products"],
  data() {
    return {
      product: {},
  created() {
    const id = this.$;
    this.product = this.products.find((product) => == id);

In this component, we will display the name and the price of the product.

We are making use of the $route.params which gives us the parameters present in the URL. In our case, we have one parameter id.

const id = this.$;

To fetch the product, we are making use of the find method to search the product by id value and display it.

this.product = this.products.find((product) => == id);

Let’s look at the output:


We have /products page which display all the products available. Let’s click the link of the first product to see what happens.


I have clicked the first link and the page with URL /products/1 gets opened. As expected, the product name and price gets displayed.

Let’s go back and click the second link.


As you can see, /products/2 link gets opened with a different product details. This way you can implement dynamic routes in Vue application.