By default, all the properties declared in the interface are public but you can make a property read-only by using the readonly keyword. This means the value of the property cannot be changed once it is initialized. This way we can make a property of an interface immutable.

Let’s create an Animal interface that has two properties height and weight. Next, we will create a dog object of type Animal and assign values.

interface Animal {
  height: number;
  weight: number;

let dog: Animal = {
  height: 1,
  weight: 2,

We can re-assign any property after it is initialized. Hence,

console.log(dog); // {height: 1, weight: 2}
dog.height = 3; // allowed
console.log(dog); // {height: 3, weight: 2}

But with readonly modifier, we cannot change the value of the property once it is initialized. Let’s say we want height property of the interface Animal to be readonly.

interface Animal {
  readonly height: number;
  weight: number;

let dog: Animal = {
  height: 1,
  weight: 2,

dog.weight = 5;
console.log(dog); // {height: 1, weight: 5}
dog.height = 3; // Cannot assign to 'height' because it is a read-only property.

As you can see we cannot reassign the value of height property once it is initialized. Typescript will throw an error, Cannot assign to 'height' because it is a read-only property.